Sunday, April 17

Target's Buys 4-17

Really good deals today! Stocked up on stove top stuffing (normally $1.78 a box everywhere, but they had it on sale for .99!) and some snacks on sale for $2 (which is  AT LEAST .50 savings a box!)...

$20.08 that includes tax!
 Stove Top stuffing .99 each (5) - Buy 3 get 1 FREE coupon - .55 off 1 coupon (if you can find more of these it would be an EVEN BETTER deal!),       .68 a box - still an awesome deal! 62% savings!

Always products buy 3 get $5 gift card, Well, I had $2 off each infinity products, so I bought 3 @ $5.54 each, after coupons and $5 gift card they were     $1.87 a box! 70% savings a box!

Ritz's Muchables SALE $2 - $1 off each coupon. STOCK UP for $1!!!!!!

Ritz's Cracker Sandwiches SALE $2 - $1 off each coupon. STOCK UP for $1!!!!!

Knorr Rice Sale .83 a pkg - .50 off 2 target coupon, that's only .58 a pkg!

Aveeno Lotion $2.99 - $3 off 2 Aveeno products - Target $1 off 1 Aveeno product, ended up being $1 each! Even better deal is if my 2nd $1 off Target coupon wasn't expired :/

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